Have you ever disliked something as a kid, only to do a 180 and learn to love it as an adult?
My dad was a huge influence on what I liked and disliked growing up. And it just so happened that he disliked mint chip ice cream. So of course I turned up my nose to it as well. I mean, mint goes in toothpaste, not ice cream!
Fast forward to when I got to know Reuben and his family better. To my surprise, I learned that they actually, purposefully BOUGHT mint chip ice cream. BECAUSE THEY LIKED IT. I had always thought that mint flavored ice cream only made its appearance at gatherings because some dimwitted person didn’t know how to buy ice cream.
But when I saw Reuben enjoying it (I was crushing on him, so of course I wanted to like what he liked), I decided to give it a second chance.
And I learned that it was actually yummy. The mint gives a bit of freshness to the rich custard and dark chocolate. It’s lovely for summer.
Guys, it took me 3 tries to get this recipe perfect. So do me a favor: go get the recipe on Pioneer Woman’s blog, give it a whirl before summer is gone, and enjoy!
Oh, and my dad liked this ice cream, even though he eyed it suspiciously when I told him what flavor it was. 😀
If you make this (or any of my recipes), make sure snap a picture of it and share with me on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #ButteredSideUpRecipe and tag me @ericaleakastner. KTHANKS!
Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream - Buttered Side Up
Tuesday 2nd of January 2018
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